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Where disruptive tech leads to lasting change

Sustainable Innovation and R&D Excellence

New methods, materials, tech and talent are coming together to help bring about a new era of environmental science where natural raw materials are introduced to minimize carbon footprints, sequester greenhouse gasses and build a cleaner and healthier world. ​

Our recent initiatives have largely focused on sequestering CO2 in concrete applications, as we know there are actionable opportunities to mitigate carbon emissions in every home, building, sidewalk or bridge that uses concrete. These efforts, combined with ongoing operations to refine rock powders and soil additives to improve regenerative agriculture efforts and reduce greenhouse gasses and chemical fertilizer use,  are pushing transformative boundaries so the world can experience the benefits of sustainable product development that creates lasting change.

C-Quester Centre of Sustainable Innovation

Dedicated to tackling the global challenges of climate change and waste reduction, we’re launching a new Calgary-based R&D Innovation Division, with a primary focus on sustainable cement development and materials science consulting.

Co-located with collaborative partner ZS2 Technologies, the 1,600-square foot R&D lab and testing facility will help accelerate both IP generation and the optimization and commercial development of future eco-friendly products for the cement, concrete and building materials industries.

Run by Progressive Planet’s VP of Research and Development, Dr. Roger Mah, with assistance from Scientific Advisor, Dr. Doug Brown, the Centre will focus on micronized mineral production and include capabilities to help measure carbon uptake. It will also cater to contract research and development programs from customers requiring specialized skills and technical assistance to help solve real world sustainability challenges.

Agriculture and Animal Innovation

Re-mineralizing agricultural operations through disruptive innovation. Products are derived from diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, zeolite, limestone, leonardite, soft rock phosphate, alfalfa and gypsum.

Natural and Organic Fertilizers

  • Made from micronized minerals to replace harmful chemicals fertilizers 
  • Increases carbon in soils and restores soil health
  • Improves crop yields and oil moisture retention​
  • Natural insect and pest control
  • Ability to produce custom solutions for unique soil needs

Livestock & Poultry​

  • Patented acidifier, ammonia & moisture control 
  • Feed ingredients
  • Bedding amendments


  • Pet, farm, & ranch solutions sold in big-box retail and on Amazon

Construction Innovation

Radically decarbonizing concrete production. Natural and post-consumer mineral products to replace Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in concrete. Admixtures that increase carbon sequestration and/or increase substitution of OPC.  Strategic R&D and supply agreements in place with industry disruptors. Sales to begin in 2022.

Multiple patentable proprietary processes for carbon sequestration and performance enhancement in development:

PozGlassTM SCM 100G

  • Made from 100{a0fc77dea5ac370b1e20f95faf8efb959bd9d60c02f8298a3649cb942ab5ae82} glass
  • Patent-pending CO2 conversion to solid minerals
  • Diverts glass from landfills, with expansive global market potential

PozGlassTM SCM

  • Combines natural pozzolan with post-consumer glass to create a superior cement additive

C-QuesterTM Cellular Concrete

  • Permanent CO₂ sequester in cellular concrete as limestone


Solutions to reclaim and remediate industrial operations, bringing land back to a healthy state and  drawdown carbon dioxide, as well to quickly absorb spills and contaminants such as alcohols, oils, fuels, coolants, paints, and solvents.
