How to Reduce Production Loss

In the world of manufacturing management, lean manufacturing has become synonymous with the best practice of eliminating waste and providing consumers with value. While waste minimization seems [...]


Doubling Down on AI and Expanding Reach

Raven.ai announced that it raised $6.1 million in equity financing from angel investors. Notable contributors include Fresh Founders (including Shopify’s Tobi Lütke and Harley Finklestein), Rob [...]


Gamification in Manufacturing

Employers and managers know firsthand how engagement plays a large role in productivity. Troubling, a recent Gallup poll reports that engagement levels in the U.S. hover around 30 percent, [...]


Connectivity is NOT Productivity

Last month, the unthinkable happened. In my haste to catch my early morning flight, I forgot my cell phone at home. My phone is my tether to everything – family life, office work, meetings, [...]


Managing with Data

Many of the best leaders I know, even the ones in AI technology, make decisions based on gut feel. That intuition is based on a mix of past experiences, biases, and raw confidence, but it often, [...]


Diversity in Manufacturing

With the fourth industrial revolution in full swing, manufacturing is undergoing massive changes. Robotics, additive printing, IIoT, artificial intelligence, and data science augment human [...]


Industry 4.0: It’s about People

With all the talk about Industry 4.0, sometimes is difficult to separate the value from the hype. As a standalone term, it can seem like a daunting, gigantic concept that can prompt reactive [...]


From the Shop Floor to the ER

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking on a panel at a hospital’s continuing education session for physicians. While normally the event tackles clinical subjects, this one was a bit of a [...]


Gamifying the Shop Floor

Keeping employees engaged and motivated, especially in manufacturing, can be a steep hill to climb. We already know that engaged workers perform better than the disengaged – organizations with [...]

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