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Data is Useless

They say that only 1% of the world’s data is being used. When I entered the world of manufacturing, I was obsessed with that 1% of data. Convinced of its value, I manually searched the data for [...]

Managing with Data

Many of the best leaders I know, even the ones in AI technology, make decisions based on gut feel. That intuition is based on a mix of past experiences, biases, and raw confidence, but it often, [...]

Seeing the Data

Data Scientist. To an outsider, it’s a job title that might not sound so exciting. I spend a lot of time cleaning and organizing data, getting it ready for analysis. It’s important work for our [...]

Why Raven?

Lean manufacturing tools have steadily been digitized over the past few decades which has helped move manufacturers from instinct driven management to KPI driven management. While historical data [...]